What a strange day.  I never thought I would be writing a blog based on the UK exiting the European Union. 

Regardless of your views on the subject, we have to be practical moving forwards.  There are a number of questions that subsequently arise and due consideration of the impact this will have on the workplace - especially in relation to the movement of employees.

It is difficult to say exactly how it will impact us at this point in time as there are a number of uncertainties as to how it will play out.  However it is unlikely to have a huge impact on employment for approximately two years while the UK enters into "divorce" negotiations.

What actions do you need to take now?

  1. Communicate
    People will have questions over what it means for employees, whether they are migrant workers or not.  It is essential that you communicate with all your employees that nothing will change immediately (unless you have plans to do otherwise) and that you will keep them informed of any impact/change when it becomes clearer.  Either way consult and inform.
  2. Be aware and Care
    Be aware of your duty of care - this decision may well have a significant impact on your employees wellbeing - Occupational Health can help counsel employees and help them to cope with pressure.  
  3. Be informed
    Keep up to date with the latest news and the impact it has on your business through the gov.uk website.

I will be posting updates on this through my blog as well as the HRV newsletter. If you wish to subscribe then email me on info@hrvision.co.uk or through the Contact page on our website and we will add you to the list.

Feel free to give me a call if you have any immediate concerns. 





Are you confusing processes?

Its really important not to confuse processes.

A disciplinary investigation is a standalone. It may have other processes that need to complete before the disciplinary investigation can be finalised but it does not merge with others.

For example, a case where there was potential gross misconduct resulting in an accident investigation. Through the disciplinary process, the employee may be suspended pending the outcome of the disciplinary investigation.

However the Accident investigation will need to be concluded and will likely be used as evidence in the disciplinary investigation.

The Accident Investigation is separate to the disciplinary process.

If you need to know more then do contact me.